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What classes do you run?
This is a list of classes that are available:
 Class  Description
Micro Mini 0-50cc Automatic transmission
65cc 6-11 0-65cc 2-stroke or 0-90cc 4-stroke maximum wheel size 14 inches
Mini Jr. 7-11 52-85cc 2-stroke or 52-125cc 4-stroke maximum of 16 in. rear wheel size and 19 in. front
Mini Sr. 12-15 66-85cc 2-stroke or 75-125 4-stroke maximum wheel size 16 inch rear and 19 inch front
Super Mini 10-15 99-112cc 2-stroke 99-150cc 4-stroke with 16”inch rear and 19” front wheels
125cc 113cc-125cc
200cc 126-200cc 2-stroke/126-250cc 4-stroke
250cc 201-250cc
450cc 251-450cc
600cc 451-600cc
750cc 601-750cc
Open 751cc and up
Masters 40 years and over/any engine size
Vets 50 years and over/any engine size
4-Stroke 86-600cc 4-stroke motors only - D16 points only
2-Stroke 86-600cc 2-stroke motors only - no district points
Women Female riders at least 12 years of age on any motorcycle or minicycle with an engine displacing at least 86cc
400cc Stock 0-400cc stock wheelbase - D16 points only
Open Stock 401cc an up stock wheelbase - D16 points only
ATV 0-450 Any 4 wheel ATV - 0-450cc
ATV 451-open Any 4 wheel ATV - 451cc to open